Saturday, March 10, 2012

Great is YOUR reward...

Friday was the graduation of our Fall schools.  Nearly 100 students from all over the world completed their various training schools that they had begun in September of 2011.  They have spent the past 2 months in India, Central Asia, Thailand and the Dominican Republic.  During those times we saw the following take place: 36 salvations (some of those in a closed country), 32 people healed, 45 bibles given out, and 30 believers who committed to give their lives to serving in world missions.  The total amount of people ministered to was 7,057 people!  Wow!  36 people who 3 months ago had no relationship with Jesus are now destined for an eternity in heaven and are being discipled to reach others!
Psalm 128:2 says, “You will eat the fruit of your labor...”  Every prayer you pray, every dollar you give, every email or card of encouragement you send us.  Every sticky note that says, “We love you and are praying for you!”  All those things are a part of those 7,057 people who heard the message of the love of Jesus the past to months!  For all of eternity YOU will eat the fruit of your labor for your part in these lives and all the lives we touch going forward.  Every salvation, every healing, every person that commits their lives to missions - YOU reap eternal reward of that fruit.  And then the livest that they touch!  Your fruit multiplies to a point that you will never see the impact of your prayers and giving this side of heaven.  So thank you for your monthly participation!  Great is your reward!!!