Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2012 Update:

Inventory:  We operate on a school calendar type schedule (yet without a summer vacation).  So every fall we take an inventory to see how we have impacted God’s kingdom and how lives have been changed eternally.  As a community at YWAM Orlando, we always view things as a team effort with none of us being “lone rangers” in ministry.  So here is the impact that we made over the last year:  757 individuals were a part our schools, programs, and workshops; that means 757 people were exposed to and challenged re: being long term missionaries over seas.  We saw 271 salvations; 13 countries were impacted by our teams and 29,109 were ministered to and presented with the gospel!  Thank you for your part in this!  Nearly 30,000 people heard the salvation message of Jesus because YOU enabled us through your partnership of prayer & giving to train and disciple those 757 participants who in return shared the gospel in those 13 countries!

Passivity:  One of the biggest “sins” in the Western world is passivity.  We could tie it to many things, but I want to connect it with love.  Romans 5:6 says, “ just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.”  Amazing!  Passivity is NOT a part of the make up of the character and nature of God!  His character is to “initiate love.”  He does not wait for us, nor did He sit and wait for us to love Him and initiate love to Him before he responded!  No, when we made no effort at all to love Him; in fact, while we were pushing Him away, He initiated love to us!  His love was initiating, selfless, passionate, and bold!  I encourage you to not be passive in your love.  Whether it is with your spouse, children, coworkers, or enemies....take initiative and destroy passivity!  Don’t wait for someone to love you, take on the character and nature of Christ and love them first!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stories of London...

200 participants.  129 salvations.  49 healings.  We have just returned home from London.  Never in all my life have I seen a "cloud of glory" come over a region like we saw during our time there!  The saved were getting revived and the lost were getting saved every day!  Acts 2:47 says, "And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."

Story: a group of us went to the local mall to share the Gospel with people and simply just talk to them about Jesus.  Two friends of ours started chatting with a group of 18-19 year olds.  One of the "unsaved" girls started to say how she "didn't believe there was a God..."  One of our friends said, "Is there anything wrong with you that you need healing for.  I believe God will heal you and then you will believe in Him!"  The girl said, "No I don't, but lets go find someone..."  So this unsaved girl is running through the mall with 2 Christian guys asking people if they need healing!  They finally find a woman with a bad knee.  The 2 Christian guys start praying for her and NOTHING happens!  Finally one of the guys tells the unsaved girl, "You lay hands on her and pray!"  She isn't sure what to do so they tell her, "Put your hands on here knee and say, In the name of Jesus be healed."  So she does it and the woman got HEALED!  The unsaved girl was freeking out and said, "Let's do another one!"  So they found a guy with a bad back.  The unsaved girl prays for him and his back gets healed!  They went around the mall and did this like 4-6 times.  Finally the unsaved girl says, "I believe, I want to give my life to Jesus!"  So the 2 guys led her in the sinners pray!  Amazing the heart of God to let the girl be a part of her own belief experience!  

Click on video to see a glimpse of our trip: 

Monday, May 28, 2012

London in 23...

It's hard to believe that we leave for London in less than 23 days by the time you get this letter.  On June 17th, we depart for 5 weeks in London to train approximately 200 young adults and then send them out to share the Gospel with the 205 nations represented at the summer games.  It is estimated that over 1 million people (many from those 205 nations) will attend the Olympics.  There are also over 7 million people that speak 300 plus languages already residing in London.  What an opportunity to share the message of Jesus with every nation and only have to go to ONE location!
My belief is that our airfare will be paid for by the time this email reaches you.  That means we have 2 weeks to raise the final $4,500 we need to cover our food, housing, and all other ministry expenses for our 5 weeks in London ($1,500 per person).   If 45 households give $100 our need would be met - [though if a household gave $500, $1,000 or $4,500] the need can be reached quickly!  Would you pray about giving $100 or (or any amount), to help us reach London and the world with the love of Jesus?  I don't usually make appeals via email, but our family is so passionate about this mission, we are doing everything in our possible realm to assist the Lord in doing the impossible!  Thank you for your understanding thand we only ask you to respond how the Lord speaks to you!  Thanks for your prayers.

2 ways to give:

Option 1:  make a check or money payable to "YWAM" and mail to - Andy & Rachel Miller; PO BOX 620487; Orlando, FL 32862

Option 2:  click on this blue & white "Donate" link at the top right of this page to give via Credit or Debit Card 
Blessings - Andy, Rachel, & Tysen

Monday, April 30, 2012

...the ends of the earth...


August 2011, we had only been home 4 weeks, from our trip to London.  I turned on the TV and the city of London was on fire!  Riots, looting, vandalism, and violence.  I had just stood in from of many of these buildings and had ridden on the red buses that were not burning!  When the ashes had settled, over 400 people had been arrested.  Approximately 75% of those arrested were between the ages of 12-18 years old.  Roughly 85% were 30 and under!  The generation that is destined to lead and shape the city, were destroying it!  

This summer our heart is to change the course of changing lives!  On June 17th, we will be flying to London for 5 weeks to disciple & train hundreds of young people from London and then send them out into the streets of the city during the Summer Olympics to share the gospel with all the nations of the world that will be gathered during July and August.

Thai Team:

After a 15 hour sleeper- bus ride from north East Asia to our departure city, one 3 hour flight to Thailand, and one 14-hour night bus ride,  our team we spent 3 months discipleing & then sent out from Orlando is finally in Mae Sai, Thailand...

The team is  within sight of the Myanmar border and have been ministering to a Burmese, Thai and Chinese Church this weekend. They have been teaching English to children in the afternoon and again teaching adults in the evening. Starting next week they will be doing sports ministry.  

This past weekend, the team lead a church service at a drop-in center for Burmese and Thai street kids. Afterwards,  they had their last day of English camp at the church, which has been an outreach to the strong Buddhist communities nearby. Normally, the parents won't let the kids go to church, but they are allowing their kids to go to this English/Chinese camp. 

This church has really given the team open doors, not only with their youth, but also the Sunday morning service time. They have been able to do dramas, share testimonies and even a teaching! We are praising God for all that He has been doing through our team! Please continue to pray for more opportunities for our to minister to the Thai people and the Burmese refugees nearby. And THANK YOU FOR YOUR PART in reaching the Thai and Thai Chinese over the 2 month outreach.  As you give and pray we are able to train and send these teams out from Orlando to the ends of the earth... 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Great is YOUR reward...

Friday was the graduation of our Fall schools.  Nearly 100 students from all over the world completed their various training schools that they had begun in September of 2011.  They have spent the past 2 months in India, Central Asia, Thailand and the Dominican Republic.  During those times we saw the following take place: 36 salvations (some of those in a closed country), 32 people healed, 45 bibles given out, and 30 believers who committed to give their lives to serving in world missions.  The total amount of people ministered to was 7,057 people!  Wow!  36 people who 3 months ago had no relationship with Jesus are now destined for an eternity in heaven and are being discipled to reach others!
Psalm 128:2 says, “You will eat the fruit of your labor...”  Every prayer you pray, every dollar you give, every email or card of encouragement you send us.  Every sticky note that says, “We love you and are praying for you!”  All those things are a part of those 7,057 people who heard the message of the love of Jesus the past to months!  For all of eternity YOU will eat the fruit of your labor for your part in these lives and all the lives we touch going forward.  Every salvation, every healing, every person that commits their lives to missions - YOU reap eternal reward of that fruit.  And then the livest that they touch!  Your fruit multiplies to a point that you will never see the impact of your prayers and giving this side of heaven.  So thank you for your monthly participation!  Great is your reward!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Growing up in a culture of Christianity, the word revival can mean anything!  Jumping up and down, yelling, praying in tongues, blowing on people, and even burning all of your secular cd's (though most would end up buying all those cd's again, three months later).  Not that any of those things are wrong or evil, but are they really revival?  Maybe?  Glenn Sheppard or Winkie Pratney can probably give a more accurate descriptions of revival than I can, but this is where I am at currently: "Revival is falling in love with Jesus all over again!"   Revelation says, "return to your first love..."  I love this!  It's not add more bible reading, or add more hours of prayer or evangelism (though one would argue that those are bi products), but it is falling into crazy love with Jesus all over again!  Or for many of us it may just be for the first time!  I just want to encourage you that whether you are on a spiritual high with Jesus or a spiritual low; seek his face!  Fall in love with him again!  Search with help from the holy spirit for any "little foxes" that may be blocking you from going to a deeper intimacy and love from Him!  Things that keep you from seeing the beauty of Jesus in a way you never have before.  No matter what stage you are at in your walk with him, there is more!  Fall in love with Jesus all over again!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An open door to salvations...


I (Andy) remember being 18 and on my first trip to a closed country in Asia (almost 20 years ago).  I remember praying with a yellow skinned “slanted” eyed 10 year old to receive Jesus in his heart.  The first time I had ever led someone to the Lord!  I couldn’t believe that God would “speak through me” - a poor excuse for a Christian from SW Michigan!  But he did; and it launched me into a love relationship with Jesus that is still growing and being shaped….

A recent report from our students on a 2 month mission trip in Asia, is that last week 6 people GOT saved! This is amazing!  Not only are parts of Asia closed, but usually in a 2 month outreac, salvations don’t happen this quick!  The week before 1 person gave their heart to Jesus; so in less than 1 month.  7 people have come into God's kingdom!
Imagine, last year this time, many of these students were just trying to survive their Senior year of High School and now they are  winning people to Jesus! 

Thank you for your part in this!  Because of your monthly prayers and financial partnership with the Millers, we are able to help train, disciple, and send out hundreds of young people like this every year!  These salvations are because of YOU!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hearing God Speak...

This morning about 50 staff and students gathered in a tent in Florida.  We spent an hour and a half praying for London, England.  During this time we prayed for 6 specific youth that live in a town called Illford.  We had pictures of them up and we broke into different groups and asked God to give us "words" or verses from the Bible for these young people!  It was amazing to see the verses and words they got for these kids were "spot on" to who they actually are!  The students in Florida had NEVER met these kids in England, and yet God was telling them things about them that only God or those close to them would know.  And yet, a group that was a 22 hour plane ride away was praying these things out! 

This was a great experience for these students in Florida.  There teaching this week is on "Hearing God's Voice."  In fact as we were wating on God to speak to us about the kids in England, one of our students yelled out, "Wow, God just dropped something in my head about this girl!"  Maybe the first time he had been aware that God wants to speak to us! 

These are the excting things that Rachel and I get to be a part of!  Young people like this guy, who are hearing God for the first time!!!  Thank you for being a part of sending us to be your extended hand to serving and training these young people!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

off and running...

2012 begins:

The new year is off to a great start.  Our winter schools have started with approximately 30 students in 3 training schools...The Fall students are on outreach (the 2 month mission trip part of their school).  They are in Dominican Republic, India, and Asia!  We have already had reports of 1 salvation in a communist nation and 2 healings in India!  Our ladies are reaching out to prostitutes in brothels in Asia as well as open air preaching of the Gospel in India to a crowd of 100 and an outreach for about 40 children!  These guys haven't been gone 2 weeks and God is already at work!  Praise God!  20 somethings are changing nations with the presence and power and love of God!  Please keep them in your prayers!!!

In case you missed it...we finally got a picture of Paxton!  He is a boy...born April 4, 2011.  He is currently the weight of 21 pounds!  We will get him in 2012 but we NEED your prayers!!!  Pray the Korean government releases him to our care!  And that it happens fast!  He is currently 9 months old (the same age Tysen was when he come to us).