200 participants. 129 salvations. 49 healings. We have just returned home from London. Never in all my life have I seen a "cloud of glory" come over a region like we saw during our time there! The saved were getting revived and the lost were getting saved every day! Acts 2:47 says, "And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved."
Story: a group of us went to the local mall to share the Gospel with people and simply just talk to them about Jesus. Two friends of ours started chatting with a group of 18-19 year olds. One of the "unsaved" girls started to say how she "didn't believe there was a God..." One of our friends said, "Is there anything wrong with you that you need healing for. I believe God will heal you and then you will believe in Him!" The girl said, "No I don't, but lets go find someone..." So this unsaved girl is running through the mall with 2 Christian guys asking people if they need healing! They finally find a woman with a bad knee. The 2 Christian guys start praying for her and NOTHING happens! Finally one of the guys tells the unsaved girl, "You lay hands on her and pray!" She isn't sure what to do so they tell her, "Put your hands on here knee and say, In the name of Jesus be healed." So she does it and the woman got HEALED! The unsaved girl was freeking out and said, "Let's do another one!" So they found a guy with a bad back. The unsaved girl prays for him and his back gets healed! They went around the mall and did this like 4-6 times. Finally the unsaved girl says, "I believe, I want to give my life to Jesus!" So the 2 guys led her in the sinners pray! Amazing the heart of God to let the girl be a part of her own belief experience!
Click on video to see a glimpse of our trip:
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